Contact lens fitting

contact lens

Soft Contact Lenses

There are so many contact lens (CL) brands out there. How do you know which one is the right one?

Just started needing reading glasses and worried if you can continue to wear contacts? Don’t worry! We may have a solution for you!

Schedule a contact lens (CL) fitting with us and we will make sure to find the most comfortable CL that provides the best vision! Depending on how often you plan on wearing your contacts, there are 3 different replacement schedules – dailies, biweeklies and monthlies. Trial lenses are given to make sure you are happy with the fit. Our doctor will also check that the contacts are just right!

Hard Contact Lenses

Have you tried soft contact lenses and they give you unbearable dry eyes?

Do you have a corneal scar from previous contact lens use or from an eye injury? Have “weirdly” shaped corneas and been told you cannot wear contact lenses.

Are you just tired of wearing something on your face or in your eye during waking hours?

Perhaps it’s time to look into “hard” contact lenses. Due to the material difference, hard lenses are less likely to dry out the eyes. There are also many kinds of hard lenses, including but not limited to, rigid gas permeable lenses (RGPs), orthokeratology lenses and scleral lenses.

Orthokeratology Lenses

You may have heard of these before for treating myopia management. They can also be used by adults for vision correction. They are more convenient since they only need to be worn at night time. This means you don’t need glasses or contacts in the daytime!

Scleral Lenses

These lenses are bigger than conventional RGPs and vault over the cornea, while bathing the front of the eye in saline solution. They help people with sensitive and dry eyes maintain moisture throughout the day. Sclerals also provide a smooth optical surface, helping those with corneal irregularities see better than with regular glasses.